Bearing and making decisions in orienteering. Λήψη απόφασης για μετακίνηση
Bearing to the next control point
Bearing to the next control point
Pacing is the simplest and easiest method for measuring distance. Pacing is the process of walking the distance and counting the number of steps “paces” to cover the distance. The distance is determined by multiplying…
Some of the suggestions made by Jonson, Jenny and Pauline Tryner (2024). included 1) Give lots of social events and opportunities - club night, socials etc 2) Use fun, no pressure orienteering - local leagues,…
orienteering is a brilliant sport, and a tonic to a modern world of screens, connectivity & choice overload, but people will drift away if they are not engaged.
Finnish athletes at Thessaloniki orienteering events. «Η φαντασία στην εξουσία», (Σύνθημα των φοιτητών τον Μάη του 1968 στην Γαλλία). Οκτώ αθλητές από την Φινλανδία, ένας Ιρλανδός που ζεί στη Νέα Υόρκη (!) και ένας Ουκρανός…
Tο σχέδιο του αρχιτέκτονα για την κατασκευή ενός σχολείου (συνήθως της κλίμακας 1:1000 ή 1:2500) αποτελεί το καλύτερο υλικό για να σχεδιασθεί ένας χάρτης orienteering για τους μαθητές.
Security during orieenteering races. A sport for all ages and abilities.
This event/program is more than just a hidden treasure hunt. The participants do not solve puzzles but answer questions to prove that they have gone to specific points on the map. The event could be…
The second ever participation of five Greek orienteers in O-Ringen events in Narke 2000 was an unforgettable experience. The Greek particiapnts gained lot of experience from this journey.
The Volunteers' seminars about planning and organising in orienteering were of outstanding value.